Saturday, October 28, 2006

Thank You, ACLU

Ann Beeson, Associate Legal Director ( +Add contact


Our Clients Were Deeply Touched by Your Message

Me with Abdullah al-Kidd, one of our national security clients. Al-Kidd and other ACLU clients were presented with your message of support in a specially compiled book.
You can hear ACLU clients tell their own stories in podcasts from the Membership Conference, and see photos from the reception.

-- Audio podcasts
-- Photo gallery
For more about the 2006 ACLU Membership Conference, go to

Dear Jonas,

On behalf of the entire ACLU legal team, I want to thank you for the message of support you sent our national security clients. Your message -- along with thousands and thousands of others -- was delivered at a special tribute to nearly 30 clients during our Membership Conference last week, and they were deeply touched by both the overwhelming numbers of ACLU members who expressed their solidarity as well as the many personal notes from supporters around the country.

I had the honor of presenting these thousands of messages in the form of specially compiled books that we distributed to every client who joined us at the reception. I can tell you from the comments, tears and smiles of our clients when we presented each of them with their books that your support and kind words meant the world to them.

The feeling was summed up by our client Nick Schmader, a member of the Rhode Island Community Coalition for Peace which is monitored by the Pentagon, who expressed his gratitude by saying, "As you in the ACLU fully realize, taking a principled stance can be very isolating. Thus, in addition to legal help, the support of the ACLU has enormous psychological benefits. I am simultaneously awed, grateful, and humbled by the booklet you put together comprised largely of encouraging messages from other ACLU members. And, you are right: if I think that what I do isn't worth doing, all I have to do is open that booklet."

The book was also sent to clients who could not attend the conference. Regardless if they were at the reception or not, I know your words were very encouraging to them.
Some of the clients in attendance included:

• Dr. Sawsan Tabbaa and her son Hassan Shibley, victims of racial profiling who were detained at the U.S.-Canadian border simply for attending an Islamic conference

• Abdullah al-Kidd, a U.S.-born American citizen who was wrongfully arrested and detained for more than two weeks through an illegal abuse of material witness rules

• Jeff and Nicole Rank, who were unlawfully arrested for wearing anti-Bush T-shirts at a presidential rally

• Activist Kot Hordynski, who sued the Pentagon for secret database records on peaceful protest groups

All of our national security clients are true patriots and real heroes. Thank you for adding your support as we thanked them for standing up to the administration's abuses of power.

And, of course, thank you for your continuing support of the ACLU's work. You make everything we are able to do possible.


Ann Beeson
Associate Legal Director


Dear Freedom Fighters,

As you move forward in these dark times, shedding light on the enemies of liberty know that your victory has already been won. There is no man, no woman, and no thing that is greater than Universal Law. Those who wish to impose unlawful restrictions upon our minds, bodies and souls not only defy the laws and spirit of our great country, they are choosing to defy the law of the greater good, better known as the Law of Truth.

And the truth is my fellow patriots that the incarcerators of freedom are fighting a losing battle. Destiny is with you and the American Civil Liberties Union in this modern day battle.

I ask you, who has the right to invade our privacy? How possibly does our own government have the audacity to spy on us, America’s good and loyal citizens? If it wasn’t for you, the clients of the ACLU, this culture of corruption would soon claim ownership over our very thoughts. But you, freedom fighters have taken a stand against this erosion. You have taken a stand against the lies and greed in the U.S. intelligence community. You have taken a stand against great behemoths who believe they are above the law. You have taken a stand for Truth over Falsehood and most importantly, you have taken a stand for the country, formerly known as the bastion of world freedom, you have taken a stand for America.

The cost for your courage has been great but still you carry on. Despite the harassment, despite the surveillance, despite the loss of jobs and friends, despite the threats and despite the violence and wrongdoing perpetrated against you, you carry on. Fear not because your Valor is not without purpose. I promise you with great assuredness that the Stars are aligned in your favor and that the perpetrators of wrongdoing shall crumble like rotten wood and their lies shall be consumed in the fire of Righteousness before we bow down to their vision of an Orwellian society.

The Legendary Bob Marley sang a song called, “Get Up Stand Up”. I find some of the following lyrics to be appropriate at this time.

Get up, Stand up! Stand up for your right!
Get up, Stand up! Don’t give up the fight!
Most people think great god will come from the sky.
Take away everything and make everybody feel high.
But if you know what life is worth.
You will look for yours on Earth.
And now you the see the light
To stand up for your rights

Thank you, patriots and freedom fighters for having the courage to get up and stand up with the ACLU for everyone’s rights. Godspeed! -the end-


You know, it felt really good to write that letter. And the gratitude of the ACLU felt even better. The funny thing is I never in my life thought or planned on joining the ACLU but I kept getting my ass kicked. So, in a search for total awareness of the information that was out there; I sought out something that was completely opposite of what I was experiencing. That turned out to be the ACLU.

The great, spooky, coincidental, ironic thing about it is that I joined online, the money was deducted from my account, I got the confirmation, but I never got any information from them, there was nothing for 8 months. So, I finally called them. They checked their records and were as shocked and surpised as I was.

So, they got me all my materials, followed up and extended my membership. They may have even hand delivered it. I am not sure but roommate saw some one stick it in my male box. Regardless, thank you ACLU, I am glad there is a organization dedicated to protecting the Civil Liberties of Americans. That seems like a pretty important thing.

You can find out more about the ACLU by going to


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